Poetry: Finding Magic in the Mundane
by J.L. Fizzell
In the North, things move slowly. For some that's living the life, and for others, it can be a little "hum drum". Find magic in the mundane in a one hour poetry workshop with local poet and author, J.L. Fizzell. Discover that poetry is so much more than you might remember from English class. Fall in love with life, learn how to tap into your inner creative, and look at things you've seen a thousand times through new eyes. Leave with your very own creation, and the confidence that poetry is for everyone. Poetry isn’t always about decoding someone else’s words. Poetry is meant to help you find your own way, tell your story, and share your perspectives. Poetry is about connection and the art of saying so much without saying a whole lot. Still not sold on giving poetry another chance? Forbes suggest poetry (especially for those of you in the business world) to help you tap into creativity, innovation, critical thinking and finding new perspectives. Beyond that poetry does wonders for your wellbeing – from coping to connection to cultivating cathartic experiences, and so much more. Give poetry another chance and turn the mundane into magic.
GENRE: Poetry, Workshop
RUN TIME: 46-60 minutes
VENUE: Indoor Stage
DATE: Sunday, August 21st - 4:30 PM
GENRE: Poetry, Workshop
RUN TIME: 46-60 minutes
VENUE: Indoor Stage
DATE: Sunday, August 21st - 4:30 PM
Tickets for this event can be purchased at the door. For any concerns, please contact [email protected]
Tickets for this event will be limited to the first 25 people.
J.L. Fizzell (think Fizz-ELLE) is a Canadian author and poet. She's spent her life bouncing around from city to city in the Northern parts of Ontario and is deeply in love with the land and its unforgiving, rugged beauty. Currently, she writes poetry inspired by life, nature, and the connectedness of all things. Poetry has been a passion since she was a child, and J.L. is a strong advocate for all things artistic or creative - especially the misunderstood art of poetry. She runs on cold coffee, love and literature, and lives for her family, nature, and a good adventure.
Fringe North acknowledges and gives thanks to the Anishinaabe of Bawaating for their generosity, diligence, and patience in sharing, caring for, and carrying on the original teachings of Creation, the truest intentions of the Treaties, honouring the land, the spirits, and the collective dreams of our ancestors since time immemorial.
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